It will interest you to know that our Montessori preschool environment is prepared to accommodate your preschooler’s various stage of development. The focus is on development of the whole child. The child learns skills for everyday living; sorting, grading, classifying building, all of which lead to the development of reading, writing and analytical mind.
The Montessori materials have a dual range purpose in addition to their immediate purpose of giving specific information to the child. Click on any of the classes below to check your child’s eligibility for admission.
Please note the following days for activities and events are being offered in addition to the montessori curriculum:
Mondays: Arts and Craft / French
Tuesdays: Fruity Tuesday
Thursdays: Show and tell
Fridays: Fitness class
Entry Requirement
CRECHE A year old child is eligible for admission in to the crèche class.
KINDERGARTEN Admission is open to any child that is 2 years old or who will clock 2 years by the entry date (September)
NURSERY Admission is open to any child from age 3 – 4 years into Nursery I and age 4 – 5 years into Nursery II
How to Apply
A non–refundable fee of N5,000.00 will be charged for each application. All applications must be accompanied by a copy of the birth certificate and photocopy of immunization card with two recent passport photographs.
Please note that purchase of form does not guaranteed admission. However, all admissions are contingent upon available space.
Forms are available in the school and also available online for download in pdf format.
2024/2025 ADMISSION Sales of admission forms are ongoing and obtainable at the school. FOR MORE ENQUIRIES, CONTACT: +2348109352150 (College) +2349079696748(Nursery and Primary)